Thursday, June 04, 2009

My BEA in Linkage

So, I am now back from my New York adventures and totally exhausted! I'm facing piles of dirty laundry, new books for the TBR pile, and lots of deadlines, but I had the most fabulous time. Signing The Diamonds of Welbourne Manor at BEA with Diane Gaston, shopping, museum-going, reading at the wonderful Lady Jane's Salon, meeting my agent and my Grand Central editor Alex Logan (who did a fab cover presentation at Lady Jane's!), seeing friends (hi Kwana, Megan, and Andrea!!), going to the Harlequin cover art exhibit...sigh. It was wonderful. Here are a few interesting links...

The Harlequin cover art exhibit

Rob at RT's post and pics

Kwana at Kwana Writes (Crush It! is my new motto)

Romance Novel TV

Barbara Vey's blog at Publishers Weekly

Megan Frampton's Blog


Kwana said...

I had so much fun with you in NY. Crush it!

Keira Soleore said...

You two looked so cute in the photo at Lady Jane!