Monday, August 24, 2009

Hottie Monday, Austen Edition

I decided to do a "Men of Austen" post for today's Hottie Monday, then realized it would contain at least 50 pics if I did that! So this is "Part One"--the men of Sense and Sensibility (bothe the new BBC version, and the Emma Thompson movie). Who is your favorite S&S hottie???


Kwana said...

Thanks for the Austen hotties! I've given you an award on my blog today!

Amanda McCabe/Amanda Carmack/Laurel McKee said...

Thanks, Kwana!! I'm off to check it out...

Tracy Grant said...

What a great topic! I'd probably go with Alan Rickman as Brandon or Hugh Grant as Edward. Greg Wise is a very attractive man and a very good actor, but Willoughby is too despicable for the character to be attractive (do you find that the part someone is playing influences how attractive the actor seems?).

Amanda McCabe/Amanda Carmack/Laurel McKee said...

(do you find that the part someone is playing influences how attractive the actor seems?).
