Monday, September 07, 2009

Hottie Monday, Austen Edition Part 2

Happy Hottie Labor Day Monday, everyone! We continue this week with Hotties of Austen. We already looked at the men of the various versions of Sense and Sensibility--this week we look at Pride and Prejudice. I've included pics of Firth and Macfadyen, natch, but also Elliot Cowan from Lost in Austen and David Rintoul from the early '80s P&P.

Now for the important question--who is your favorite Darcy? I'm a bit partial to Macfadyen, but really I am not picky--I say there is room for all!

1 comment:

Keira Soleore said...

From those pictures, it's clear as a lake: Matthew MacFadyen is the winner!